Still Life

  1. Do I have a strong composition?  It depends on the picture I think in my tea party picture and my colorful picture I have strong composition but my jewelery and necklace could use work.
  2. How well did I edit my photographs? I think compared to my beginning pictures without the editing they did improve a lot. So, yes I think I did edit my photographs well.
  3. What would I do differently if I shot this assignment again? I would probably be more prepared and maybe brought different objects to take photographs of.
  4. Do you think your photographs belong on the blog home page and   should be considered one of the best from all the photo classes? I really like my colorful photo and think it is my best picture, I also like my tea party picture and think either of them are good enough to be on the blog home page.

By November 10, 2022.  No Comments on Still Life  Uncategorized   

Still Life Writing

Variety and unity play a very large part in photography. Variety and unity can make a big difference in your photography, if you have good variety and unity in your picture it levels it up a lot. Variety and unity also play into each other. Like in the first picture there is a variety in the color and it really just unifies the picture. In the second picture it all looks very unified and just put together with a variety in the colors and items in the picture. In the last picture the colors go together extremely well and look super united and good. I think all of the pictures are super good and personally my favorite is the last one because it just all looks super put together.

Studio Lighting

Impact of Photography

Photography can make a big impact on a lot of things. Including giving hope to people during war or desperate times. It can represent big moments in history that are important to document like landing on the moon. Photography can be a very powerful thing. It has the potential to impact a entire nation.
Photography can impact the world in a positive or negative way. In Vietnam execution picture it made people start questioning if they had been being fed lies from the administration, or if the war was going as well as they had been being told. It also made people question if the United States was fighting for a just cause. People started question if we really were the good guys.
The next picture I picked was one of a migrant mother during the great depression. This picture is a great example of documentation. Just a few days after it was published the camp the mother lived at received 20,000 pounds of food from the government. This picture made people realized just how much people where suffering.
The last picture is the one that Flags of our Father’s is about. It gave people hope during the terrifying war. But, what the people didn’t know about the picture is that it was the second flag raised. Or that when the first flag was really raised there were some different people and some of those who raised it the first time died. The picture we see was pretty much staged and it made some of the soldiers mad that people didn’t see who the people who really raised the flag.
Photography makes a big impact whether that’s good or bad. It can help people out like it helped the camp with the migrant mother in it, it can give people hope like in the flag picture, and it can make people question everything they thought they knew like in the Vietnam execution picture. It is crazy how big of a impact photography can make and how powerful it can be.

Conceptual Self Portrait


Conceptual means something that represents a bigger image.

This assignment was kind of hard because I couldn’t think of stuff that represents me well so the things I choose are a bit random and not necessarily the best representations of me. The first thing I choose was a picture of a sunrise because I absolutely love sunrises and sunsets. They are so pretty and calming it is impossible not to love them. Whenever I have a animal die I love to look at the sunset or sunrise because I like to think that its so pretty because it’s them being brought up to heaven. Whenever there is a gorgeous sunrise or sunset I like to believe someone amazing is being brought up to heaven or someone from heaven wants to say hi.

The next picture I took was of a cozy blanket and bed. This picture is the most random one for sure but, I choose it because I love sleep. Sleep is just so calming and a great way to get away from life and your problems. One of the best feelings in the world is waking up after a great sleep and feeling energized and new. The next thing i choose to represent me is a volleyball. Volleyball is my life, its the best thing to happen to me and the thing that makes me happiest in life. Being on a volleyball team is awesome, you get so close to your teammates and become a family. Sleep is amazing but winning a hard volleyball game well nothing can beat that. My last picture is of a book because I absolutely love to read. I don’t have time to read very often but when I do it’s the best. My favorite genre is definitely romance, I love every aspect of romance books especially Colleen Hover’s romance books.


Triangle in Nature

Up Close and Detail Landscape